OverviewDeep CNNs are now the preferred way to perform image analytics in many domains including healthcare, e-commerce, security, and sociology. However, one of the main criticisms pointed against deep CNNs is the black box nature of how they make predictions. To explain CNN predictions one of the widely used approaches in the practical literature is the occlusion based explanation approach (OBE for short). However, OBE experiments are highly time consuming as they need to perform large number of re-inference requests. In this project we apply incremental and approximate inference optimizations to accelerate the OBE workload. Our work is inspired by the long line of work in incremental view maintenance, multi-query optimization, and approximate query processing techniques in the context of relational data management systems. Downloads (Paper, Code, Data, etc.)
Student ContactSupun Nakandala: snakanda [at] eng [dot] ucsd [dot] edu AcknowledgmentsThis project was/is supported in part by a Hellman Fellowship and by the NIDDK of the NIH under award number R01DK114945. |