
We recommend first installing Anaconda and then running the following commands to setup the environment. We also recommend using a machine that has GPU support, specially if you plan to train your own models. A CPU machine can be used if the goal is using pre-trained models to predict posture.

Now open a terminal and run commands:

    conda env create -f INFRA/CONDA/deep_postures_pt_gpu.yml # for cpu use INFRA/CONDA/deep_postures_pt_cpu.yml
    conda activate deep_postures

If the above doesn’t work, you can do it manually.

    conda create -n deep_postures_pytorch python=3.11
    conda activate deep_postures_pytorch
    pip install torch==2.4.1
    pip install numpy
    pip install pandas
    pip install scipy
    pip install h5py
    pip install scikit-learn==1.5.2
    pip install tqdm==4.66.6

Now, move into the MSSE-2021 folder where our newest model is hosted:

    cd MSSE-2021