Install ------- ### Basic Installation The best way to install the ``Cerebro`` is via pip. pip install -U cerebro-dl Alternatively, you can git clone and run the provided Makefile script to install the master branch. git clone && cd cerebro-system && make You MUST be running on **Python >= 3.6** with **Tensorflow >= 2.3** and **Apache Spark >= 2.4** ### Spark Cluster Setup As deep learning workloads tend to have very different resource requirements from typical data processing workloads, there are certain considerations for DL Spark cluster setup. #### GPU training For GPU training, one approach is to set up a separate GPU Spark cluster and configure each executor with ``# of CPU cores`` = ``# of GPUs``. This can be accomplished in standalone mode as follows: ```bash $ echo "export SPARK_WORKER_CORES=<# of GPUs>" >> /path/to/spark/conf/ $ /path/to/spark/sbin/ ``` This approach turns the ``spark.task.cpus`` setting to control # of GPUs requested per process (defaults to 1). The ongoing [SPARK-24615]( effort aims to introduce GPU-aware resource scheduling in future versions of Spark. #### CPU training For CPU training, one approach is to specify the ``spark.task.cpus`` setting during the training session creation: ```python conf = SparkConf().setAppName('training') \ .setMaster('spark://training-cluster:7077') \ .set('spark.task.cpus', '16') spark = SparkSession.builder.config(conf=conf).getOrCreate() ``` This approach allows you to reuse the same Spark cluster for data preparation and training.